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NoMatch vs NoResponse in AI Agent: What They Are and How They Work
NoMatch & NoResponse Important differences and how to create

What is NoMatch?

NoMatch occurs when the AI agent cannot understand or match the user’s input with any predefined responses. This can happen when the user's input doesn’t align with any of the system’s expected responses or intents.

How NoMatch Works

When NoMatch is triggered, the system follows a predefined response flow to handle situations where it cannot process the user’s input correctly. Here’s how it works:

Trigger Conditions:

  1. User input doesn't match any defined values: If the input provided by the user does not match any predefined values or keywords, NoMatch is triggered.

  2. All reprompt attempts have been exhausted: If the AI attempts to reprompt the user several times without success, it moves to the NoMatch state.

  3. No matching intents are found: If no relevant intents are found based on the user’s input, NoMatch is triggered.

Response Flow:

  1. System checks for custom NoMatch messages: The system first checks for any custom messages configured for NoMatch scenarios.

  2. Sends a random message (if multiple exist): If there are multiple predefined responses, the system sends one of them at random to avoid repeating the same message.

  3. Executes the NoMatch node in the conversation flow: The system executes the NoMatch node, which might involve either asking the user to clarify or redirecting them to a different part of the conversation.

How To Create a NoMatch?

No Match is available on condition and button node. To create a No Match Follow these steps:

  • Add the Condition or button node in which you want to add the no match.

  • Add the no match message (if you'd like)

  • You can connect the flow with the nomatch , if the user input did not match as aspected.

  • Output of NoMatch: shown in below image


Example Scenarios

Here are some common examples where NoMatch can occur:

  • Product Query:

    • Bot: "Which product category?"

    • User: "xyzabc" (nonsense input)

    • NoMatch Triggered

  • No Match in Button Node:

    • Bot: "Please select an option."

    • User: "12345" (but user added invalid input)

    • NoMatch Triggered

What is NoResponse?

NoResponse occurs when the user doesn’t provide any input within the expected timeframe. This happens when the system is waiting for user input, but no response is received during the configured timeout period.

How NoResponse Works

When NoResponse is triggered, the system follows a predefined flow to handle the situation and ensure the conversation remains functional. Here’s how it works:

Trigger Conditions:

  1. User remains inactive for the set duration:
    If the user does not interact with the bot for the duration of the configured timeout period, NoResponse is triggered.

  2. No input is received after a prompt:
    If the system sends a prompt or question and no response is received within the expected time, NoResponse is triggered.

  3. Session timeout approaching:
    If the session is nearing its timeout period without any activity, NoResponse is triggered to handle session expiration.

Response Flow:

  1. System waits for the configured timeout period:
    The system waits for a predefined amount of time for the user to respond.

  2. Executes the NoResponse node automatically:
    If no input is received during this time, the system automatically moves to the NoResponse node, triggering the configured actions.

  3. Can trigger session management actions:
    The system can initiate session management tasks like saving the conversation state, closing the session, or redirecting the user.


Example Scenarios

Here are some common examples where NoResponse can occur:

  • Chat Timeout:

    • Bot: "How can I help you today?"

    • User: (no response for set duration)

    • NoResponse Triggered

  • Abandoned Conversation:

    • Bot: "Would you like to proceed?"

    • User: (leaves chat idle)

    • NoResponse Triggered

No Response is on button, capture, form node

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